Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'm back!

Sorry for the extended break, blog fans. In addition to my usual physical exercise regime, I've been working on an academic problem. I've been trying to crack the code and develop a forecast. And it's since it's all about me, the forecast is all about me, too. So without further ado, I present my findings.

After extensive research (almost seven years), I have determined that the greatest indicator of what my day holds is shoes. I explored other variables - human behavior, time of feeding, clothing, celestial alignment, but in the end it was shoes. My specific conclusions...

First, an easy one

Yawn. Rain. Please pass the remote and the Cheetos. I'll be on the couch until the sun comes out.

Parrrrrrty. The humans are going to work. This gives me 8-10 hours to rule the roost. I'll sleep on their bed, get in the trash, the options are limitless.

Grrr, not a fan of these shoes. Humans are going off on their bicycles and will be too tired for running or hiking.

Running. I like running. This will be a nice easy run.

Oh, boy. I hope I can keep up. Today is more of my race pace.

Like most scientific research, there is usually one outlier.

I was unable to make any substantial correlation. Sometimes we went hiking, sometimes we went swimming, sometimes the humans left and came back with bags of food (yum!), sometimes we went on a K-L-A-W. This problem needs further study. I do like the straps, it makes carrying them around much easier.