Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Halloween!

First, I've outgrown the costume thing. Besides, it never yielded any treats. But I know there are those really liked seeing my brother and I humiliated every October 31st. So for you and my new fans, a blast from the past. . .

2001 (It was just my brother then.)

It's been said I look like a goat here. Not sure what my mom was trying to tell me, dressing me like the devil?

Well, I guess Alex did got the raw deal this year.

Pirates are cool! Arrggghh!
My pirate name is Poop Deck Jacques. Get your pirate name here.

Clowns are scarey, but I'm not.

Be sure to vote for your favorite costume!


Anathea said...

What exactly is Alex supposed to be in that picture? That truly was a raw deal... Guinness has never dressed up other than a Santa hat at Christmas. We may have to rethink the Halloween thing...

Keaton said...

I'm Frankenstein and he's the bride of Frankenstein. Scary, huh?

Steve W said...

Grandma did a pretty good job on somew of those costumes.