Friday, January 11, 2008

I am not a slacker.

I am sure that many of you were thinking that I have been slacking in my training. In fact, I was on the IR. I tore my paw up at my last swim session and needed to take some time off. The good news is that I'm better. The best news is that I did it without a trip to the V-E-T. There is a fine line between acting sufficiently hurt enough to get extra treats and getting hauled off to the V-E-T. For the dogs in blogland, if you hear V-E-T, do something bad - pull on the leash, run around the house, beat up your brother. The humans figure that if you're well enough to do that than you don't need to go the V-E-T.

Anyways, I had a good swim session tonight and will be back running this weekend.

1 comment: said...

Nothing wrong with being a slacker, but an injury is the best excuse to be one (I should know). Hope your paw is back to full strength soon and glad to hear it did not involve the dreaded V-word.