Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Party Time

That's right a pool party! Every year they let the dogs take a dip in the people pool before shutting down for the season.

Sunday, September 7, 1-3PM
Wheaton/Glenmont Pool
Dogs you need id (county license and a rabies certificate)
More info here and here.

And here are some photos from last year.

I'm going to work really hard at being good this week, so mom and dad will let me go. Look for me in the fast lane.


Anathea said...

Can you give Guinness the 12 step program?

Steve W said...

Suggestion,stay away from the TP for a while.

Your favorite uncle is going to be down in your neck of the woods this weekend.Is your Mom going to take you to see him?

Steve W said...

Hey Keaton! Did you break your paw? It's been almost two weeks since your last blog.What's UPPPPPPPPPPPPPP?