Thursday, January 17, 2008

In my next life, I'll be a toy tester. . .

I'm what some might term an "agressive chewer." Toys, especially stuffed toys, don't last too long around here. Mom got me this really great snake. As you can see from the description, the toy dubs itself as nearly indestructible and able to withstand "a half ton of pulling fun." It's been my favorite for awhile. My friend, Frank (who lets me be really bad) came over the other day and I guess we must have done more than a half ton of pulling fun. Mysteriously after his visit, I was able to penetrate the previously impenetrable snakeskin. One thing leads to another and then. . .

I guess it was not so tough after all.

1 comment: said...

The pulling strength is just that, for pulling as there is a nylon belt inside to keep the tooy from pulling in two. But if a dog sits a chews on the end as seen in your images he'll get through it no matter the strength of the material. Aggressive chewers should never be given any plush toy to sit and chew on as they will get to the fluffy goodness on the inside eventually. You do have to admit that the tough Fat Cat canvas toys hold up much better than the average plush toy will. Besides the silly toys are fun for people too.