Now that Barack Obama has been elected, I hear that the search is on for a first dog. While Malia and Sasha may want a puppy, I would like to declare my candidacy to be First Dog. Why? First, I am willing to make this sacrifice for my country. Sure, I have a good life now, but I'd like to serve my fellow Americans. Also, I hear the gig comes with dogwalkers, a big lawn, Secret Service agents to run with, and chefs. I would like to restore the reputation after Barney's recent incident. Perhaps, you are interested in my qualifications. First and foremost, I'm from D.C. I can show the Obamas around town and I'll be ready to lead on day 1. Second, I am already housetrained. A new puppy runs the risk of peeing in the Lincoln bedroom or pooping in the oval office. How undignified. I'm ready to go. Also, I understand people and dogs of the real America. You'll recall that I come from a humble upbringing and ran the streets for a few months. Oh, I'm sure you're thinking that I don't have any foreign policy experience. True, but I do understand Spanish as it is spoken at my doggie daycare. This could be important in my interactions with foreign Dogs of State. Also, I want to restore the dignity to the office of the First Dog. This week's Barney incident highlights the danger of a dog getting too comfy in the White House. I'm a lover, not a biter

(though I make no promises about Fox News correspondants. I'd go Cujo on Bill O if given the chance.)
What do you say America, are you ready for change in the Doggie White House? Are you ready for a dog that knows America? Are you ready for a dog that can hit the ground running?

Guinness and I vote for you - Guinness knows that his political abilities don't match up to you. After watching you at Swim 4 Life, we knew it - Guinness would have ignored all the people after a while if there wasn't any food - but you, you kept graciously acknowledging people, even those without food.
So are you guys back??
Oh, and what was the Barney's incident?
I'd vote for Keaton! Would Alex be his Vice? :)
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