Saturday, February 23, 2008

Am I fat? Is your dog fat?

Did you know that February is "The National Canine Weight Check"? Apparently, a lot (~47%) of canine brethren are a bit chunky, even portly. So I took the Body Assessment Ratings for Canines. Some of the questions I aced - jump on the bed - check; exercise - check. But, I have no control over - multiple dog house, breed. In the end, I ended up scoring "Your dog may be overweight or living a lifestyle that could lead him or her to become overweight or obese." WHAT?!? ME?!? I need to go do some crunches or run some laps.

1 comment:

Anathea said...

Guinness got a "low-risk" score, but he still needs more play time. Except that we just went to play and he jammed his right paw AGAIN after 2 ball tosses. I think he needs the consistent, injury-prevention training schedule that I'm on. Maybe we should check to see if Eric offers dog training...