Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Dear Santa,
Perhaps, my letter is a bit late or perhaps you couldn't find my house. I was really hoping for this.
Sometimes, I can't find a human to run with. It would be really nice to turn on Animal Planet and jog away. It seems a whole lot healthier than eating toilet paper when I'm bored.

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Back to work . .
My mountain guide service was back in business today. We headed out to Little Devils Stairs. Big Al stayed home to rest and recover, so I took lead and sweep duties. Here's mom and I taking a quick photo break. Don't I look like a regal mountain dog?

Oh, and I actually saw a partridge, but it wasn't in a pear tree.

Oh, and I actually saw a partridge, but it wasn't in a pear tree.
Monday, December 22, 2008
I'm being a good dog.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
I hereby declare my candidacy for First Dog . . .
Now that Barack Obama has been elected, I hear that the search is on for a first dog. While Malia and Sasha may want a puppy, I would like to declare my candidacy to be First Dog. Why? First, I am willing to make this sacrifice for my country. Sure, I have a good life now, but I'd like to serve my fellow Americans. Also, I hear the gig comes with dogwalkers, a big lawn, Secret Service agents to run with, and chefs. I would like to restore the reputation after Barney's recent incident. Perhaps, you are interested in my qualifications. First and foremost, I'm from D.C. I can show the Obamas around town and I'll be ready to lead on day 1. Second, I am already housetrained. A new puppy runs the risk of peeing in the Lincoln bedroom or pooping in the oval office. How undignified. I'm ready to go. Also, I understand people and dogs of the real America. You'll recall that I come from a humble upbringing and ran the streets for a few months. Oh, I'm sure you're thinking that I don't have any foreign policy experience. True, but I do understand Spanish as it is spoken at my doggie daycare. This could be important in my interactions with foreign Dogs of State. Also, I want to restore the dignity to the office of the First Dog. This week's Barney incident highlights the danger of a dog getting too comfy in the White House. I'm a lover, not a biter 
(though I make no promises about Fox News correspondants. I'd go Cujo on Bill O if given the chance.)
What do you say America, are you ready for change in the Doggie White House? Are you ready for a dog that knows America? Are you ready for a dog that can hit the ground running?

What do you say America, are you ready for change in the Doggie White House? Are you ready for a dog that knows America? Are you ready for a dog that can hit the ground running?

Sunday, October 5, 2008
I'm back!
Sorry for the extended break, blog fans. In addition to my usual physical exercise regime, I've been working on an academic problem. I've been trying to crack the code and develop a forecast. And it's since it's all about me, the forecast is all about me, too. So without further ado, I present my findings.
After extensive research (almost seven years), I have determined that the greatest indicator of what my day holds is shoes. I explored other variables - human behavior, time of feeding, clothing, celestial alignment, but in the end it was shoes. My specific conclusions...
First, an easy one

Yawn. Rain. Please pass the remote and the Cheetos. I'll be on the couch until the sun comes out.

Parrrrrrty. The humans are going to work. This gives me 8-10 hours to rule the roost. I'll sleep on their bed, get in the trash, the options are limitless.

Grrr, not a fan of these shoes. Humans are going off on their bicycles and will be too tired for running or hiking.

Running. I like running. This will be a nice easy run.

Oh, boy. I hope I can keep up. Today is more of my race pace.
Like most scientific research, there is usually one outlier.

I was unable to make any substantial correlation. Sometimes we went hiking, sometimes we went swimming, sometimes the humans left and came back with bags of food (yum!), sometimes we went on a K-L-A-W. This problem needs further study. I do like the straps, it makes carrying them around much easier.
After extensive research (almost seven years), I have determined that the greatest indicator of what my day holds is shoes. I explored other variables - human behavior, time of feeding, clothing, celestial alignment, but in the end it was shoes. My specific conclusions...
First, an easy one

Yawn. Rain. Please pass the remote and the Cheetos. I'll be on the couch until the sun comes out.

Parrrrrrty. The humans are going to work. This gives me 8-10 hours to rule the roost. I'll sleep on their bed, get in the trash, the options are limitless.

Grrr, not a fan of these shoes. Humans are going off on their bicycles and will be too tired for running or hiking.

Running. I like running. This will be a nice easy run.

Oh, boy. I hope I can keep up. Today is more of my race pace.
Like most scientific research, there is usually one outlier.

I was unable to make any substantial correlation. Sometimes we went hiking, sometimes we went swimming, sometimes the humans left and came back with bags of food (yum!), sometimes we went on a K-L-A-W. This problem needs further study. I do like the straps, it makes carrying them around much easier.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Party Time
That's right a pool party! Every year they let the dogs take a dip in the people pool before shutting down for the season.
Sunday, September 7, 1-3PM
Wheaton/Glenmont Pool
Dogs you need id (county license and a rabies certificate)
More info here and here.
And here are some photos from last year.
I'm going to work really hard at being good this week, so mom and dad will let me go. Look for me in the fast lane.
Sunday, September 7, 1-3PM
Wheaton/Glenmont Pool
Dogs you need id (county license and a rabies certificate)
More info here and here.
And here are some photos from last year.
I'm going to work really hard at being good this week, so mom and dad will let me go. Look for me in the fast lane.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Today is . . .
Toilet Paper Day. I have no reference that is an official holiday, but it's on the internet so it must be true, right? Interestingly, it may also be National Dog Day . Coincidence? I think not. To celebrate I may pull that tp all the way downstairs.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
The Fluff
Since Steve asked for a Big Al update, here he is. He's been spending most of his time in his summer den - the basement bathroom. The marble floor keeps him nice and cool. Of course, this leave the front door unprotected, so I need to pick up his slack on alerting the humans to possible canines on the street, mailman, and delivery trucks.

Monday, August 11, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
The Big Games 08.08.08
Somewhat miffed that I wasn't invite to participate, coach, or provide color commentary, but today was the much anticipated Puppy Games 2008. If you missed it, fear not it will be rerun. When you watch, be sure to check out those pups form in the pool. I could teach them a thing or two.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Now you can have your very own Keaton
According to, a company in Korea has successfully cloned a dog. For a mere $150k, you could have a carbon copy of me.
Hmmm, do you think that's too much for the world to handle?
Anyways, read about the clones here (The cloned dog was named Booger. Poor guy).
Hmmm, do you think that's too much for the world to handle?
Anyways, read about the clones here (The cloned dog was named Booger. Poor guy).
Monday, August 4, 2008
More Swim 4 Life photos
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Swim 4 Life Race Report
First, thanks to my sponsors who helped me raise money. They had a good crowd and the event raised over $20k for the Chester River Association and a number of organizations that help AIDS/HIV patients. Also, special thanks to Anathea who served as my race sherpa and pup-arazzi, taking lots of photos.
The Swim 4 Life was held at Rolf's Wharf in Chestertown, MD. We got there about an hour early to get registered and bodymarked. Well, I didn't get marked, but I did get a cap (which I didn't wear). I was #23 (just like Michael Jordan). We did a little walking to warm up. I got geared up in my life vest and headed over the swimmer's meeting. The organizers introduced me and let everyone that know that I would be swimming in the 1 mile event. Everyone was happy to see me and clapped for me. A few folks even wanted to take pictures with me.
The event had 5 waves for the 5,4,3,2, and 1 mile events in that order. We planned to take off a few minutes after the humans in the 1 mile wave. Getting started was a little challenging. I'm used to the pool. Was I supposed to swim to the beach? Oh wait, you want me to swim to that buoy. Woah, that's a long way away. Luckily, Mom brought a toy to keep me pointed in the right direction. But darn, she kept getting in my way. After a while, we figured out a system. We were about half way to the buoy when the leader in the wave was already heading back. Yikes, I thought we better pick up the pace. Pretty soon most of the one milers were headed back towards the beach. I have to admit to a passing thought of ditching Mom and heading back with one of them. We reached the turn around buoy at 38 minutes (we were swimming against the current). Darn, I was hoping the finish under an hour. I was really going to have to pick up the pace. We made the turn around and I could see the beach (with all my new fans waiting for me). We were also starting to get passed by some of the blue caps (2 milers). I wasn't tired and just kept paddling my way towards the beach. As I got near, I heard folks calling my name and of course the cameras were flashing. We ended up at 1:00.50 (a huge negative split!) according to mom's watch.
Afterwards, we hung around a bit, accepted congratulations all around, and posed for a few more photos. Indeed, I was the top dog of the Chester River. I must have had a swimmer's high because I didn't even snooze on the drive home. Anyways, I had a lot of fun. Up next: still searching for my next event
Here are some photos
Working out some pre-race jitters

Pre-race photo with the 1 mile wave

And we're off

Leading Mom back to the finish

Post race celebration

My complete album is here
The Swim 4 Life was held at Rolf's Wharf in Chestertown, MD. We got there about an hour early to get registered and bodymarked. Well, I didn't get marked, but I did get a cap (which I didn't wear). I was #23 (just like Michael Jordan). We did a little walking to warm up. I got geared up in my life vest and headed over the swimmer's meeting. The organizers introduced me and let everyone that know that I would be swimming in the 1 mile event. Everyone was happy to see me and clapped for me. A few folks even wanted to take pictures with me.
The event had 5 waves for the 5,4,3,2, and 1 mile events in that order. We planned to take off a few minutes after the humans in the 1 mile wave. Getting started was a little challenging. I'm used to the pool. Was I supposed to swim to the beach? Oh wait, you want me to swim to that buoy. Woah, that's a long way away. Luckily, Mom brought a toy to keep me pointed in the right direction. But darn, she kept getting in my way. After a while, we figured out a system. We were about half way to the buoy when the leader in the wave was already heading back. Yikes, I thought we better pick up the pace. Pretty soon most of the one milers were headed back towards the beach. I have to admit to a passing thought of ditching Mom and heading back with one of them. We reached the turn around buoy at 38 minutes (we were swimming against the current). Darn, I was hoping the finish under an hour. I was really going to have to pick up the pace. We made the turn around and I could see the beach (with all my new fans waiting for me). We were also starting to get passed by some of the blue caps (2 milers). I wasn't tired and just kept paddling my way towards the beach. As I got near, I heard folks calling my name and of course the cameras were flashing. We ended up at 1:00.50 (a huge negative split!) according to mom's watch.
Afterwards, we hung around a bit, accepted congratulations all around, and posed for a few more photos. Indeed, I was the top dog of the Chester River. I must have had a swimmer's high because I didn't even snooze on the drive home. Anyways, I had a lot of fun. Up next: still searching for my next event
Here are some photos
Working out some pre-race jitters
Pre-race photo with the 1 mile wave
And we're off
Leading Mom back to the finish
Post race celebration
My complete album is here
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I will be the King of the River!
Chester River, that is. I'll be swimming this weekend at the DCAC Swim 4 Life. It's a great event with a 1,2,3,4, or 5 mile swim. I'll be rockin' the 1 mile. It's a fundraiser, so please visit my page and help me out
Monday, July 14, 2008
It looks like some of my competitors have been getting some good press. Unfortunately, my phone hasn't been ringing for interviews.
So I've been thinking about what to do about the race (besides the obvious of declaring myself the winner of the swim leg aka "king of the river"). New York is expensive (especially with my discriminating tastes) and I could use the travel money to help out a lot of dogs at my favorite animal charities. It's my protest - if I can't swim, then I won't run. Unless, there's another reason to head to the Big Apple like a gig on Leno or Letterman or Colbert. I'm sure they're looking for my phone number.
But fear not blog fan, race or no race, the blog will continue!
So I've been thinking about what to do about the race (besides the obvious of declaring myself the winner of the swim leg aka "king of the river"). New York is expensive (especially with my discriminating tastes) and I could use the travel money to help out a lot of dogs at my favorite animal charities. It's my protest - if I can't swim, then I won't run. Unless, there's another reason to head to the Big Apple like a gig on Leno or Letterman or Colbert. I'm sure they're looking for my phone number.
But fear not blog fan, race or no race, the blog will continue!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Total major bummer
Well, I guess word must have gotten out about what a threat I would have been in the water. I just found out that the doggie du is now going to be a doggie uno. The NYC PD has revoked our doggie swimming privileges due to some construction or something.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Boys weekend!
Mom is in Idaho for a few days cheering on my #1 blog fan, Anathea as she competes in Ironman Coeur D'Alene. So it's just us boys at home. Don't think we're relaxing on the couch with pizza, beer, and action movies. Mom let some workouts for me to do and she's been calling in to make sure we're done.
Good Luck, Anathea. We'll be cheering for you from here.
Good Luck, Anathea. We'll be cheering for you from here.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Cross training
Today was a day for cross training. We all headed up to Michaux State Forest to do a little hiking. While I didn't discover that I was an aquatic machine until later in my life, I've been hiking since I was a pup. In fact, if there's one thing I was born to do, it'd be hiking. Not only do I get my exercise in, but I'm free to roam without the torture devices and leashes of city life.
I'm the guide dog. I lead the pack and clear the trail of dangers like squirrels, chipmunks, deer (which require chasing off trail), and the occasional snake. My mileage is usually double that of the humans since I have a strict "no hiker left behind" policy. I run just far enough ahead before turning around to make sure everyone's on their way. Here's some footage of me heading back to do a sweep.
We did a 6.1 mile loop. You might note the odd shape of the loop. That loop at the top wasn't really supposed to happen. I took over navigating duties after that mishap.

After the hike, we stopped by the reservoir for a little swimming. I was pooped, so it was short.

Shout out to Big Al. Despite his age, his fluff, and his lack of base fitness, he toughed it out with only a few on trail protests.

Edit to Add: We got doggy ice cream when we got home. yum!
I'm the guide dog. I lead the pack and clear the trail of dangers like squirrels, chipmunks, deer (which require chasing off trail), and the occasional snake. My mileage is usually double that of the humans since I have a strict "no hiker left behind" policy. I run just far enough ahead before turning around to make sure everyone's on their way. Here's some footage of me heading back to do a sweep.
We did a 6.1 mile loop. You might note the odd shape of the loop. That loop at the top wasn't really supposed to happen. I took over navigating duties after that mishap.

After the hike, we stopped by the reservoir for a little swimming. I was pooped, so it was short.
Shout out to Big Al. Despite his age, his fluff, and his lack of base fitness, he toughed it out with only a few on trail protests.
Edit to Add: We got doggy ice cream when we got home. yum!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Really, why have I been training?
I got all the info and rules for the race today. Under Run Procedures, it says the following. . .
Wagons, skateboards and other transportation methods may be used to assist the canine
competitor during the run. However, any team that does anything but use a total of 6 legs to complete the race will not be eligible to win.
Really?!? You mean I could be pulled for 10km. I think mom might have something like this in mind.
Wagons, skateboards and other transportation methods may be used to assist the canine
competitor during the run. However, any team that does anything but use a total of 6 legs to complete the race will not be eligible to win.
Really?!? You mean I could be pulled for 10km. I think mom might have something like this in mind.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
I am not to blame for the dog days of summer
Heck, it's not even summer yet. What happened to spring? It was 98 degrees here today. That requires a lot of panting. I played it smart and hit the pool for a training swim. Then, it was inside and A/C for me.
I might need to check out some electrolyte replacement. If Tiger Woods has his own drink, why not me?
I might need to check out some electrolyte replacement. If Tiger Woods has his own drink, why not me?
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Toy Review: Slobber-wick Squeakless
I got a new toy today. It's the Planet Dog Slobber-wick Squeakless.

First, why wouldn't you want a squeaker? How am I going to get people's attention when they are talking on the phone, reading, watching tv, etc? Second, are they trying to tell me something about slobbering? I'm an athlete and I need to be well hydrated. Perhaps, sometimes a little too much. That being said I gave the toy a try.

Notice my brother's complete lack of interest. Never a good sign. If another dog doesn't want your toy than you probably don't want it either. Not true in this case, despite it's quiet nature, I actually like the toy. It has good mouth feel and the wicking is nice. It's also a good size for carrying around the house. The problem - durability.
Time elapsed - 15 minutes.

True, it's been said that I'm hard on toys. Alas, I continue my quest for the perfect indestructible stuffed toy.
Overall, a good toy for a light chewer.

First, why wouldn't you want a squeaker? How am I going to get people's attention when they are talking on the phone, reading, watching tv, etc? Second, are they trying to tell me something about slobbering? I'm an athlete and I need to be well hydrated. Perhaps, sometimes a little too much. That being said I gave the toy a try.

Notice my brother's complete lack of interest. Never a good sign. If another dog doesn't want your toy than you probably don't want it either. Not true in this case, despite it's quiet nature, I actually like the toy. It has good mouth feel and the wicking is nice. It's also a good size for carrying around the house. The problem - durability.
Time elapsed - 15 minutes.

True, it's been said that I'm hard on toys. Alas, I continue my quest for the perfect indestructible stuffed toy.
Overall, a good toy for a light chewer.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Was that running or swimming?
Dad took me for a run today . . in the rain. It almost seemed like swimming. I came home tired and soaking wet. Hopefully, the weather is better today.
Monday, May 26, 2008
OWS = Open Water Swim
As race day nears, I need to get a few open water swims (OWS) in. This morning the whole family set out to scope out a potential swimming hole near our house. We managed to find a nice sandy spot for me to go in and out of the water. This spot is wider than the pool, so I can practice doing longer laps and of course I can't rely on my turns for extra speed. I got a brief swim, but my non-swimmer brother was getting a little impatient. Next up: OWS with mom (still working on a location for that).
I also got a few runs in this weekend. It's finally warmed up, hitting 85 degrees today. Any hotter and I'm going to need to start carrying water.
I also got a few runs in this weekend. It's finally warmed up, hitting 85 degrees today. Any hotter and I'm going to need to start carrying water.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Design my underoos!
Blog fans,
Are you looking for a way to support my race endeavor? Well, I've got a challenge for you. I am required to attend the 2008 Chipotle Underwear Run during race weekend. So, I need some snazzy drawers. And I'm looking for help from my creative and crafty fans. I will point you to the one rule - " No thongs or sheer materials please!" Please, no thongs. Maybe some nice boxers. I'll even consider well fitting boxer briefs. Please get a hold of my mom if you'd like to design a pair and she can give you my sizing info. All entries to will put to a vote to determine what I'll wear for the big day.
Are you looking for a way to support my race endeavor? Well, I've got a challenge for you. I am required to attend the 2008 Chipotle Underwear Run during race weekend. So, I need some snazzy drawers. And I'm looking for help from my creative and crafty fans. I will point you to the one rule - " No thongs or sheer materials please!" Please, no thongs. Maybe some nice boxers. I'll even consider well fitting boxer briefs. Please get a hold of my mom if you'd like to design a pair and she can give you my sizing info. All entries to will put to a vote to determine what I'll wear for the big day.
Gear Review: Ruff Wear K-9 Float Coat
Those of you that have seen my videos know that I don't need a life jacket in the pool anymore. I have one for open water practice and one is also required for race day. I like to practice like I race, so I've got the Ruff Wear K-9 Float Coat for both.
Some of the key features are
* 1680-denier ballistic nylon
* Contrasting dual color panels
* High luminescence reflective trim at side and top
* Low profile assistance handle for easy lifting
* Rock Lockster® side release buckles
* Hidden D-ring attachment point for leash
* Variable thickness buoyancy cells
* Generous ergonomic fit
* It just looks cool!
The side buckles are important. Races are lost in transition and I need to fly through T1. It will be bad enough waiting for Mom to put on shoes (who needs shoes), so I can't lose any more time with my gear. "Generous" fit - do they think I'm fat too? Ok, it's generous, but not in a "causes to much drag sorta way." The D ring attachment is also critical since I'll need to stay connected to mom some way. And, of course, it looks cool. I'm usually the red dog (and Alex is the blue dog), but this is one exception I'll be wearing yellow on race day.
All in all, I think the K-9 Float Coat is solid gear. Works in the pool, works in open water. And drowning sucks, so it's better to be safe, than sorry.
Some of the key features are
* 1680-denier ballistic nylon
* Contrasting dual color panels
* High luminescence reflective trim at side and top
* Low profile assistance handle for easy lifting
* Rock Lockster® side release buckles
* Hidden D-ring attachment point for leash
* Variable thickness buoyancy cells
* Generous ergonomic fit
* It just looks cool!
The side buckles are important. Races are lost in transition and I need to fly through T1. It will be bad enough waiting for Mom to put on shoes (who needs shoes), so I can't lose any more time with my gear. "Generous" fit - do they think I'm fat too? Ok, it's generous, but not in a "causes to much drag sorta way." The D ring attachment is also critical since I'll need to stay connected to mom some way. And, of course, it looks cool. I'm usually the red dog (and Alex is the blue dog), but this is one exception I'll be wearing yellow on race day.
All in all, I think the K-9 Float Coat is solid gear. Works in the pool, works in open water. And drowning sucks, so it's better to be safe, than sorry.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I was looking forward to going to the 4th annual doga in the park.
4th annual doga in the park with Kimberly Wilson
Location: 17th St
Dates: Saturday 5/10/2008
Time: 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
bring your yoga mat and your canine yogi (bring your own, borrow one, or come alone) for an afternoon of frolicking at rose park (23rd and p st., nw), just steps away from the studio. tranquil space is teaming with the washington humane society and doggie style bakery to bring awareness to one of our favorite local charities while providing an afternoon of fun focused around your fave four-legged friend.
kimberly will lead puppy parents and friends through a complimentary yoga practice in the park. treats will be provided to humans AND canines, compliments of tranquil space, the washington humane society, and doggie style bakery! weather permitting: we will reschedule our canine celebration if it rains. $5 donation requested for the humane society, which will benefit one of their numerous efforts: humane law enforcement program (making sure anti-cruelty statutes are followed), improving their facilities (purchasing new blankets and toys for the animals) or their humane educators (taking the anti-cruelty message to d.c.'s inner-city school children). additional donations for the washington humane society can be made here. no pre-registration required. just drop by!
Sure, I do my morning yoga stretches (downward dog and plank poses), but I was looking to step it up a notch. And it says there will be treats. But alas, my mom is going out of town.
Anyone want to take me?
P.S. The event is a fundraiser for the Washington Humane Society (the kind folks that saved me), so if you can't make it think about making a donation online.
4th annual doga in the park with Kimberly Wilson
Location: 17th St
Dates: Saturday 5/10/2008
Time: 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
bring your yoga mat and your canine yogi (bring your own, borrow one, or come alone) for an afternoon of frolicking at rose park (23rd and p st., nw), just steps away from the studio. tranquil space is teaming with the washington humane society and doggie style bakery to bring awareness to one of our favorite local charities while providing an afternoon of fun focused around your fave four-legged friend.
kimberly will lead puppy parents and friends through a complimentary yoga practice in the park. treats will be provided to humans AND canines, compliments of tranquil space, the washington humane society, and doggie style bakery! weather permitting: we will reschedule our canine celebration if it rains. $5 donation requested for the humane society, which will benefit one of their numerous efforts: humane law enforcement program (making sure anti-cruelty statutes are followed), improving their facilities (purchasing new blankets and toys for the animals) or their humane educators (taking the anti-cruelty message to d.c.'s inner-city school children). additional donations for the washington humane society can be made here. no pre-registration required. just drop by!
Sure, I do my morning yoga stretches (downward dog and plank poses), but I was looking to step it up a notch. And it says there will be treats. But alas, my mom is going out of town.
Anyone want to take me?
P.S. The event is a fundraiser for the Washington Humane Society (the kind folks that saved me), so if you can't make it think about making a donation online.
Friday, May 2, 2008
And the winner is. . .
Thursday, May 1, 2008
I got mail!
Normally, it's just the usual bills and V-E-T reminders. But today, I got a box. Even Mom was surprised which means it's not flea medication or the Scat Mat, which was the last thing to arrive.
Here it is

What do you think it is? I'll reveal the answer in my next post. (I promise I won't slack off for weeks, it'll be tomorrow).
Here it is

What do you think it is? I'll reveal the answer in my next post. (I promise I won't slack off for weeks, it'll be tomorrow).
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Back to school
No, not obedience school. (Though some have suggested I could benefit from a little advanced training. ) After a brief hiatus, I've returned to Doggy Day Care while my backyard gets redone. They have a webcam here if you want to check up on me.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Ice Cream!
After my big workout on Saturday, it was time for a treat. Mom got Alex and I puppy pops from The Dairy Godmother. Here you can see the two varieties - pumpkin and vanilla.

So I ask you - how many licks does it take to get to the center of a puppy pop?
Well, if you find out, let me know. I'm just not that patient.
So I ask you - how many licks does it take to get to the center of a puppy pop?
Well, if you find out, let me know. I'm just not that patient.
Spring Training Camp
Every spring, thousands of baseball fans travel hundreds or thousands of miles to Florida and Arizona to catch a glimpse of their favorite team in spring training. Similarly, I had one fan (Mom's friend and blog friend, Julie) travel 0.1 mile to see me in spring training camp. It's true, my winter hiatus is over. Saturday was a two workout day with a morning run and an afternoon swim.
Here I am getting my swim on.

And here I am with Julie after swimming. Don't worry I'm not eating her hand, she has treats.

So blogdom, there are three deck chairs at the pool, reserve your spot for Spring Training soon.
Here I am getting my swim on.
And here I am with Julie after swimming. Don't worry I'm not eating her hand, she has treats.
So blogdom, there are three deck chairs at the pool, reserve your spot for Spring Training soon.
Monday, March 17, 2008
SBD seeks running partner
SBD = speedy black dog.
Mom's sick. My own training schedule is suffering. Bummer. Double bummer, because I was so excited that Daylight Savings started. No more Great Pumpkin on the my evening runs.
So who wants to run with me? Or maybe drive me to the pool?
Mom's sick. My own training schedule is suffering. Bummer. Double bummer, because I was so excited that Daylight Savings started. No more Great Pumpkin on the my evening runs.
So who wants to run with me? Or maybe drive me to the pool?
Saturday, March 1, 2008
I've held my tongue long enough.
It needs to be said . . .
Dogs do not need sweaters, coats, or jackets.
Seriously, they look ridiculous. People, we have fur. We don't get cold. Allow us to maintain our dignity. Ok, I'll throw a bone to the greyhounds - they are sorta bald and most have had a tough couple of years racing.
Look at the look on this dog's face - pain, humiliation

Even this purse dog looks ridiculous

Yo, Bichon that jacket doesn't give you any street cred

And I don't care how fast this makes me, I'm not wearing it.

Now, here's a shirt I could wear
Dogs do not need sweaters, coats, or jackets.
Seriously, they look ridiculous. People, we have fur. We don't get cold. Allow us to maintain our dignity. Ok, I'll throw a bone to the greyhounds - they are sorta bald and most have had a tough couple of years racing.
Look at the look on this dog's face - pain, humiliation

Even this purse dog looks ridiculous

Yo, Bichon that jacket doesn't give you any street cred

And I don't care how fast this makes me, I'm not wearing it.

Now, here's a shirt I could wear

Monday, February 25, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Am I fat? Is your dog fat?
Did you know that February is "The National Canine Weight Check"? Apparently, a lot (~47%) of canine brethren are a bit chunky, even portly. So I took the Body Assessment Ratings for Canines. Some of the questions I aced - jump on the bed - check; exercise - check. But, I have no control over - multiple dog house, breed. In the end, I ended up scoring "Your dog may be overweight or living a lifestyle that could lead him or her to become overweight or obese." WHAT?!? ME?!? I need to go do some crunches or run some laps.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Busy as a Bee
Yesterday was a busy day. I had to go visit the V-E-T in the morning. I was just in for my once year checkup and shots. I was a little concerned that I had put on some winter weight, but it appears I am right at my optimal training weight. I did have to suffer through a bordetella vaccine. I imagine getting that is sort of like being waterboarded. Held down against my will while they poured drops up my nose. It's pretty awful - I would talk if I could. Last year, I fought them off until they gave me a shot, but the vet was a little more determined this year. I tested a weak positive for anaplasmosis, so I've got some antibiotics to take. You know what that means - Peanut Butter. Yum!
After my morning visit to the vet, I had a short rest before it was off to the pool. I had a good workout, though it turns out that they get kind of upset if you try to jump back in the pool after the shower. But there was a toy left in the pool, I was just trying to help clean up.
I'm ready for the humans to go back to work so I can get some rest.
After my morning visit to the vet, I had a short rest before it was off to the pool. I had a good workout, though it turns out that they get kind of upset if you try to jump back in the pool after the shower. But there was a toy left in the pool, I was just trying to help clean up.
I'm ready for the humans to go back to work so I can get some rest.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
The importance of speedwork
My training regime doesn't just focus on endurance, I try to work on my speed, too. The most important piece of equipment for that is . . .

I like to do sprints that are a little longer, so my human needs some equipment, too. .

Last weekend's speed workout was so tough that I needed a Accel Gel and a Powergel to recover. Apparently,they weren't left out for me. Sorry, mom.

I like to do sprints that are a little longer, so my human needs some equipment, too. .

Last weekend's speed workout was so tough that I needed a Accel Gel and a Powergel to recover. Apparently,they weren't left out for me. Sorry, mom.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
The Big Game: Puppy Bowl IV
I'll be watching the big game this weekend - Puppy Bowl. Puppy Bowl will be on Sunday at 3, so take a break from the other game and check the pups.
For some highlights from last year's Puppy Bowl, go here.
For some highlights from last year's Puppy Bowl, go here.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Video Tutorial: How to do an open turn
Inspired by this recent video for human swimmers, I bring you "How to do an open turn in three easy steps." Pool time is limited, so an efficient turn will let you get more laps in.
1. Swim towards the wall at a slight angle, extend a paw to the wall
2. Push your body parallel to the wall, moving along the wall several inches and lightly tap your front paw again
3. Push off with your back paw
1. Swim towards the wall at a slight angle, extend a paw to the wall
2. Push your body parallel to the wall, moving along the wall several inches and lightly tap your front paw again
3. Push off with your back paw
Monday, January 21, 2008
More training videos
Back by popular demand, more training videos. I think that you can easily see that I'm swimming with greater efficiency and power than before. Oh and I have no idea who this dog is.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
In my next life, I'll be a toy tester. . .
I'm what some might term an "agressive chewer." Toys, especially stuffed toys, don't last too long around here. Mom got me this really great snake. As you can see from the description, the toy dubs itself as nearly indestructible and able to withstand "a half ton of pulling fun." It's been my favorite for awhile. My friend, Frank (who lets me be really bad) came over the other day and I guess we must have done more than a half ton of pulling fun. Mysteriously after his visit, I was able to penetrate the previously impenetrable snakeskin. One thing leads to another and then. . .

I guess it was not so tough after all.
I guess it was not so tough after all.
Friday, January 11, 2008
I am not a slacker.
I am sure that many of you were thinking that I have been slacking in my training. In fact, I was on the IR. I tore my paw up at my last swim session and needed to take some time off. The good news is that I'm better. The best news is that I did it without a trip to the V-E-T. There is a fine line between acting sufficiently hurt enough to get extra treats and getting hauled off to the V-E-T. For the dogs in blogland, if you hear V-E-T, do something bad - pull on the leash, run around the house, beat up your brother. The humans figure that if you're well enough to do that than you don't need to go the V-E-T.
Anyways, I had a good swim session tonight and will be back running this weekend.
Anyways, I had a good swim session tonight and will be back running this weekend.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Taking a beak from the daily dog news link
Blog fans,
I got rid of the daily dog news link. My hope was that I could find one good or funny or heartwarming dog news story per day. Oh sure, there's been the occasional dog saves family from house fire or other good news. But a google news search on "dog" most commonly leads to stories like this or this. It's too depressing. So I'm taking a break. Google news need a happy filter.
If you want daily happiness, go here.
I got rid of the daily dog news link. My hope was that I could find one good or funny or heartwarming dog news story per day. Oh sure, there's been the occasional dog saves family from house fire or other good news. But a google news search on "dog" most commonly leads to stories like this or this. It's too depressing. So I'm taking a break. Google news need a happy filter.
If you want daily happiness, go here.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
What was he thinking?
I like swimming long (with my support crew), but this is a little odd.
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